Welcome to my new academic CV website

Welcome 👋 to my second home on the internet!

Me with my pre-pandemic haircut.

So what is all this about?

Before deciding to pursue a PhD, I had already developed a web-presence based around my skeletal reconstructions of living and extinct (mostly extinct) vertebrates that I’ve produced over the last 25 years. While I haven’t given up the anatomy diagram business, it’s become clear to me that my students, collaborators and colleagues don’t necessarily want to wade through unrelated content to find my courses, publications, and current contact information. And in all likelihood many visitors to www.skeletaldrawing.com are not terribly interested in which courses I teach, or my current (non-skeletal) research projects.

So this is my second home on the internet. Or the first, depending on what you are looking for. I plan to use this platform to talk about pedagogy, ongoing research projects (that are not explicitly about the skeletal anatomy of long-dead stuff) and other parts of academic life. Obviously, all opinions are my own.

Oh, and if you are hoping for more skeletal reconstructions as well, don’t worry, I have plenty of material coming down the pike:

*Dreadnoughtus* mass estimates for articulated & disarticulated rib cages, Hartman (2020).
Dreadnoughtus mass estimates for articulated & disarticulated rib cages, Hartman (2020).

If you have hung around this far, but really just want to see more blog content on SkeletalDrawing.com, there is more of that coming as well.

Scott Hartman
Scott Hartman
Associate Professor of Anatomy & Physiology

My research include mechanistic physiological modeling, biomechanics, phylogenetics and macroevolutionary patterns and extinction, particularly in Mesozoic vertebrates. I am particularly interested in synthesizing the above data into understanding the life appearance and behavior of dinosaurs, of which I sometimes create rigorous anatomical diagrams.
